Like our fly-in attendees - the same core passion diverging
into endless expressions of flight |
THE DISCLAIMER: For those of you who get it, you can skip this discussion if you like. But remember, we always like to get your input so stick around if you would like to add your two cents worth.
Everything in life gels with each passing day. The more time you have to think the more
things fall into place. The more things
fall into place, the less worries you with with sharing them. Reality is a great debater. It has yet to lose.
I will never forget the reaction to a specific blog post a few years back. I’ve mentioned it
before and I’m about to mention it again.
It described my feelings of driving vs flying to an aviation
event. More specifically, it detailed the
overwhelming sensation of participation I get when I fly to Oshkosh
and how I feel nothing more than attendance when I drive. The point was this - there is a difference.
The post caused a stir.
What had been a simple observation of self-reflection turned into a
serious debate. In some places it almost
sounded like a fight. To say I was
humored by it all is a great understatement.
In a time of participation medals it struck a nerve. Of course, the nerve it struck was of those
who had always assumed they were participating and never once considered
otherwise. Those who have no problem
with being an attendee had nothing to lose.
So how does this all apply to the Lee Bottom
One thing we’ve long attempted to convey to those who come
to the Lee Bottom Fly-In is that it isn’t
being done for us. The fly-in has always
been about having an event for the “other people”. They aren’t warbirds but they may love
warbirds, they aren’t antiquers but they may love antiques. They aren’t formation, light-sport, fat-tire,
alphabet group, or general aviation either.
They are aviators. Flying is
their passion and the other titles are merely a reflection of that. Not the other way around.
Because of this notion, and
the fact so many aviation events today are highly focused, we’ve had a tough
time getting people to understand. We
don’t hold the event to turn a profit, we hold it so that there is a catch-all
event for those who love flying; an event where the groups do not matter.
Now, about that so called profit. It’s no secret we’ve been “charging” for
“attendance” since 2007. It isn’t
new. What was new this year though was
an online ticketing service.
During past events, it was possible to visit, enjoy
yourself, and fly away without paying.
In fact, almost 30% of people did just that despite our constant
reminders of red ink. Why would pilots
do that?
Myself, having contemplated this for ages, witnessed the reaction to the attendance vs participation blog, and fielded questions from a few angry pilots
about the online ticketing system, I now feel I have a good understanding of
why. Through the years, aviation has
made pilots believe they were participating when they were actually flying
their planes to events and attending.
Organizers have coddled them, sucked up to them, kissed
butt, and often given them a free pass to everything. And yet, what was the purpose? Usually it was, and is, to get them there so
they could lay claim to the best collection, the largest crowd, most airplanes,
or some other meaningless talking point.
In turn, the public who attended were those drawn to titles and those
who flew to the events were those who were drawn to attention. And for a while, this became the predominant
model for all aviation gatherings.
Unfortunately, it also meant they turned into textbook sociological
displays of the big frog in a little pond syndrome.
Two decades later, a guy said stood tall, puffed his chest, and spoke words like these into the cameras, “I’ve
loved P-38s since I was a kid. I loved
their history, was fascinated by the pilots, and built model after model of
them. I guess it is because of this that
when I had the means, I decided to rescue this P-38 for future
generations. I’m not its owner I’m its
caretaker and I love sharing it with people”.
The same guy wouldn’t attend any event that didn’t pay his gas, give him
a hotel room, passes to the VIP tent, and
possibly a sexual favors. Clearly, he
had been enabled by other gatherings that had caved to his demands. That’s how it worked. They wanted that plane there and the owners knew it.
Event after event followed the lead and before long you
couldn’t get a Stinson Detroiter to an event without at least giving them gas
money. People holding airshows and
fly-ins were expected to roll out the red carpet for anyone in anything rare or
odd. If they didn’t, owners would pout,
stomp their feet, complain to their buddies who were planning to attend, and
generally try to sandbag the show.
When that behavior was challenged the common reaction from
pilots was to point to the event as a money making operation and claim the
planes as an operational expense. Of
course, for this notion to work, a huge amount of public attendance had to be achieved to put the event into the black. Yet
for the “other people” who attended, this became the nightmare of all
People with planes considered desirable were treated like
Gods and thus behaved in the same manner.
Their planes were roped off. But
when it came to the “other pilots”, the uneducated general public made a
nuisance of themselves. Pushing and
shoving and trashing the grounds they made their way through the unroped
areas. Plane to plane they went, often
allowing little Jimmy to do pull ups on pitot tubes. Then when something bad happened the parents
would scream at the owner for daring to address the situation.
If you were an enthusiast during this period it was a
nightmare. Where were you to go otherwise?
This was the impetus for the Lee Bottom
Fly-In; a place for “the others” to go.
Unfortunately, there’s a single characteristic that goes
hand in hand with any event; expenses.
There was a time this could have easily been addressed. Today though, the
citizens of the United States
have managed to get it in their heads that everything should be free, and God
forbid anyone make money. It’s the
damnedest thing I’ve ever seen.
Even proponents of charging for events add the disclaimer,
“It’s not like you’re in it for the money”. So what if we were? If we offered everything you ever wanted
what’s the problem with making money? But
I digress. We don’t have that problem.
This brings me back to the participation vs attendance
debate. What I’ve recently come to
realize is that this is what we’ve been trying to get people to understand
about the event. It’s not about us, it’s
about you. You are the event. And when you are the event, you carry your
part of the expense.
Unfortunately though, due to all those years
of other gatherings soft-programming people to believe events have no costs, most
have come to believe that when they arrive at a fly-in or airshow they are participating
when in fact they are just attending.
And to be clear, there’s nothing wrong with attending. Often that’s the most fun. It’s just not what you do when you’re here.
Summarizing what I’ve just discussed, when it comes to
events like the Lee Bottom Fly-In, if you
choose to attend you are choosing to participate, and when you participate you
are agreeing to carry your part of the expense.
It’s that simple. And yet, there
are other implications to be drawn from this.
Holding an event at a remote location like Lee Bottom
is not easy. Everything has to be
brought in. Volunteers have to travel
good distances to volunteer, all support vehicles come from 15 miles away or greater, and anything we need has to be ordered and shipped in via DHL. But most
critical to the process is the food situation.
An event is only as strong as its weakest food. Without food you do not have a fly-in. Good food makes a bad airshow better and bad
food can kill a great fly-in. Talk to
anyone in the event planning industry and they’ll tell you the same. This brings us to the next fly-in talking
Having food at the Lee Bottom
Fly-In is a logistical nightmare.
Planning for enough water and electricity, food, and facilities at any gathering is tough. Host an event beholden to weather and it gets exponentially worse. Given Mother Nature’s attitude, we’ve had as
little as 30 people for the Friday night dinner and as many as 480. Then of course there’s breakfast lunch and
dinner on Saturday; not to mention Sunday breakfast.
Here is a graph about the two things that make pilots go. |
Think about being the group in charge of preparing food. If you want to serve steak for the Friday night dinner,
you have to place your order with the meat supply company by Tuesday
evening. How then do you prepare for a
meal that could be as few as 30 and as many as 480 without losing your
shirt? Even at cost the steaks alone
could be thousands of dollars.
Of course since some suppliers allow you to return unopened
items, you could keep the steaks in storage in a freezer. This would help. But
then you have to bring in a freezer trailer.
No matter what you do, the food represents the single biggest gamble of
the fly-in.
What all this amounts to is a Tuesday cut-off for cheap
tickets. The cheaper tickets are there as
a thank you for the people who understand participating in an event means accepting
a small part of the risk. By purchasing early they help us better plan for food and in return they get a discount. If a monsoon or swarm of locusts were
to blow through and the fly-in be cancelled, they would only be out
$15; an acceptable sum to be risked in order to keep their event alive. That’s all there is to it. If you don’t get it, then it is your choice
to stay away.
That brings me to the next topic of conversation,
attendance, err, participation.
Participation at the fly-in was quite a bit more than we
expected. It was great to see. Furthermore, the number of campers was
incredible. They are the real troopers
of aviation and it is good to know they’re still out there in large numbers
looking for places to go. Of course,
there were a lot of people who weren’t here for one reason or another.
Conflicts with other events, the aging pilot group, people
who don’t know how to use a printer, a sharp line of weather, and some people
who desire to be carried count among the reasons a few regulars were not on
hand. Although, when it comes to who was
here the story is equally interesting.
Pilots from all corners of the country were on hand yet
locals were largely absent. It’s hard to
believe we sit between UPS and DHL hubs. People camping with their planes
made up 25-30% of the total on hand. The aviators who made it were all obviously very happy to be here and complaints were
nearly non-existent. And finally,
perhaps the most interesting aspect of this event was that the crowd was
noticeably younger.
In a time when pilots have a hair trigger for user fees, often that
emotion transfers to anything with a price. |
There are many possible reasons for this but, from
everything we know and experienced, we believe the online ticketing system was
largely responsible. Many attendees even
went out of their way to tell us they liked the system and how easy it
was. It seemed that the technology not
only made it easier, it also made the event more attractive to younger
participants. That’s an interesting
point for all of aviation to consume.
Of course there were a few older attendees who had trouble with
the system; not that age had anything to do with it. One guy called and admitted he was a little
befuddled. Instead of starting off on
the wrong foot, he asked if I could help and I personally walked him through
it. When he arrived at the fly-in we were like best
friends. Of course, he was a very
likable fellow. Yet, the main reason I
mention this is to point out some of the things we experienced with the "old
The most common issue they had was with the printing of the
tickets. Rarely though did we hear this
first hand. We almost always heard of the problem from
someone else who told us they were talking to “such and such” and that they were
having an issue with the tickets. They had
spent time talking to the person, put some thought into it, and emailed or
called us to ask what we could do to help.
Well, this became so common it made me sad. Why didn’t the person who knew them, spent
time with them, and had taken the time to email us help the person with their
tickets? In fact, I’m now afraid that if
I were having a heart attack and called anyone around me they would call the
ambulance instead of driving me to the hospital. It takes a half-hour for the ambulance to get
here and a half-hour to drive to the nearest hospital.
Remember how we did away with auto-camping this year? The reason for
that was drive-ins, ride-ins, and auto-campers create the majority
of problems. I have no idea why that is but it is true. Not all of them
are bad nor have all of them in the past been a pain. Yet, it doesn't change
the fact they continue to create a disproportionate level of issues.
If anyone has a solution to this that involves letting them
back in we'd love to hear it. |
Then there was the guy who was mad at us for requiring
pre-printed tickets because his group had a lot of “elderly” people in it. According to him the requirement would keep them from attending.
His sob story, combined with the attitude of what we should be doing for
him and his group, was incredible. If you
believed what he said, many in his group, for all practical purposes, didn’t
know what the internet was. Then he
demanded an answer before their meeting.
Wait a minute, what meeting?
You see, this guy emailed us from our website (no problems
with the internet there) to tell us his group is a bunch of motorcycle riders
and that they have scheduled meetings to plan long rides to different events or
gatherings. So what he really said was
he owned a Harley and knew his way around a computer but couldn’t bother himself
to buy the tickets for his buddies and let them pay him back when they met. He also unwittingly admitted they had monthly
planning meetings where they all get together to discuss long rides. So much for the feeble minded elderly. And then of course there was that point that
they all get together to organize their trips but they could not set aside a block of 20 minutes to print
all their tickets?
And finally there was the “antiquer” who sent me a message
so unbelievable and disappointing I couldn’t even bother to respond. Fortunately for me, when he attempted to feel
out the antique community by posting his toned down message online, another
antiquer described my feelings best, “That’s sad”. After that I knew that some people get it, some
people don’t, and others refuse to get it.
The rest of my time was spent on those who did.
Thanks to Ashe Archer for the photo. |
So why mention all these negatives when the event was so
overwhelmingly positive? I’ll tell you
why. I just wanted to offer a little bit
of encouragement to other event hosts out there. Don’t be afraid to do what you know needs to
be done. The nay-sayers are just that,
and as exhibited at our event, when they don’t attend everything works more
smoothly and a better time is had by all. In fact, those who understand and are pure of heart will be that much
more attracted to your location. In
turn, the quality of the event will increase.
Just remember, assuming an event to be successful due to a large number
of participants is like assuming a car to be fast because it’s painted red. Don’t chase numbers; market to the right
group and pursue quality.
But what about those older
aviation folks I love so much? Remember them? Something very interesting happened with that group this year. Here it is; are you ready for it? Oddly enough, many of them were here. Imagine that. HA! They never let me down. Nothing was going to stand in their way. And for that I respect them that much more. When faced with a hurdle, real or imagined, they found away
around it. Later generations, when faced
with a hurdle, pout and stay home.
Don’t get me wrong.
I’d love to have everyone here. But,
I’d prefer to wait until they understand the difference between participation
and attendance.
Thanks to all of you who made this one of the most enjoyable fly-ins in memory. We're sorry the weather front kept some of you away, but there's always next year. We hope to see you here.
NOTE: Ginger
and myself, we are always debating every possible viewpoint of an issue. Some say “there are two sides to every
argument”. The truth is the sides are endless. It’s just that for most problems it boils
down to two that are worth considering.
Therefore, when I wrote this post, I first tossed it out to Ginger
to see what she had to say about it.
Often, when it’s 2 am
and your hammer a point onto paper, you understand what you were trying to say
but may have said it in a manner confusing to others. Ginger is
great for finding those sticking points.
This time she found one so good I wanted to discuss it briefly.
Her point was that some people would read about the P-38 guy
and say the same thing about us. We’ve
learned how people think and she was right, someone would surely read that exactly
the way she predicted.
Here’s what she believed some would read, “They say they're saving this field for future generations, that they love the place and love sharing
it with others but they want us to pay for holding the event”. What do you think? The same?
Just in case you do, we have a scenario to put it all into perspective.
Let’s say the P-38 guy had enough money to own the plane, keep up the annual maintenance, and fly it for 20 hours a year. Then out of the blue one day he said, “This
weekend I am going to allow everyone with the desire to fly a P-38 to fly mine”. When that page of the calendar was revealed
his hangar was flooded with people there to put it in their logbook. One after another they climbed in and flew
it. Then when the weekend was over and the
pilots were gone, there was a gas bill of $18,000, a leaking prop seal to fix, and
two engines approaching the limits for overhaul. Everyone had experienced a great time
but now the owner was out of options.
Nobody had left so much as a dime to cover the expense of their
fun. Had they each paid their way he
might have done it every year. But
people with the attitude of “anyone who owns a P-38 should be able to cover my
expenses” put an end to it all.
By the way, did I ever tell you one of my favorite models as a kid was a P-38?