Saturday, December 26, 2020

$300 Donation (by end of 2020) Allowed in CARES ACT

Dear Friends of Lee Bottom,


These are difficult times for everyone. We find ourselves in uncharted waters while the demand for our services continues to grow. In order to keep fulfilling our mission, we can always use your help.


We want to let you know about a few key provisions of the CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act. This law, passed earlier in the year, was designed to assist you, businesses, and nonprofits facing economic hardship during the coronavirus pandemic. 


However, the law is specifically relative to the Lee Bottom Aviation Refuge as it allows all taxpayers to take a charitable deduction of up to $300, even if you do not itemize. You might think that this is a small amount that would not make a difference. But what if all of our donors gave “just” $300? Such support would have a huge impact on our ability to make improvements while also maintaining the field.


For those who do itemize their deductions, the new law allows for cash contributions to qualified charities such as ours to be deducted up to 100% of your adjusted gross income for the 2020 calendar year. 


As always, we are grateful for your generosity, which has greatly assisted us in keeping Lee Bottom open as a public use airport. We hope you'll take this one time unique opportunity to contribute again by following the instructions found at the bottom of this letter.




Richie Davidson

The Lee Bottom Aviation Refuge.


HOW TO DONATE - Step by Step: 

1. Click on this link or go to on your browser.

2. At the end of the black menu bar along the top you'll see the word "DONATE." Click on it.
3. Clicking on "DONATE" will take you to a location on the website where a yellow "DONATE" button will be visible in the center of the screen.
4. Click on the yellow "DONATE" button to go to the first page of the SECURE DONATION PAGE.
5. Enter the amount you wish to donate by using the up or down arrows, or typing in whole dollar amount. This will change the appearance of the page.
6. When you entered your amount the right side of the page will change to show to boxes, PAYPAL CHECKOUT, OR PAYPAL CREDIT.  Click on PAYPAL CHECKOUT
7.The next screen you'll see is "PAY WITH PAYPAL."
*If you do not have a PayPal account you can pay as a guest by clicking the gray box at the bottom that says, "Pay with Debit or Credit Card.
*If you have a PayPal account you can "LOG IN" to pay as a registered user or do the same as above by clicking the gray box.
8. You will now find yourself at a recognizable online pay information screen. Enter your information and click "Continue" at the bottom.
9. The remainder of the process will be very similar to any online purchase you have made elsewhere. When finished making your donation, be sure to screenshot the page or print it for your records.

Thank you for your support. We hope to see you at Lee Bottom in 2021.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Rich & Ginger ....unfortunately not in a position at this time to contribute; however, will put on record that I volunteer to mow grass for two (2) days during the 2021 season, assuming I stay Covid-19 free and survive!

Was in Madison a few days, last Wed thru Sat p.m. and stopped by Lee Bottom with a friend and his dog; knocked on the door, looked around and said hi to the Champ while Tobi the Wonderdog was watering down the runway. So, if your camera/ live feed/ video security indicates two guys and a dog in a '99 gold Lexus crossover, that's us!

Friends in Madison,so I try to get down a coupla times/year. Hope to see you in 2021. Sold N3060 Champ many years ago but now have an RV-9A that I don't fly (what?!),but that's another long - and frustrating - story.

Best in 2021, Bill Ellison