Monday, April 29, 2013

Which Post Generated the Most Comments Ever?

Thanks to all of you who wrote in response to my thoughts about EAA and my suggestions for ways to get the group back on track.  Written to get people thinking and looking for solutions, it appears to have done just that.  Never before have I received so many different comments, in so many different ways, from so many different people.  Of course, not one person from EAA contacted me.  But, that’s ok.  The number of hits from Oshkosh, Wisconsin, to the NORDO News blog, were off the charts for a while.
By the way, did you see the EAA AirVenture Cup Race is back?  Yeah, it still has that goofy “AirVenture” name but it is a step in the right direction and I’m pretty sure member input is responsible for its return.  Keep up the pressure and maybe some of your bigger better ideas will eventually see the light of day.
Click here to see the previous post.

Trivia question:  Which post generated the second most comments ever?

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