Earlier in the year, we decided to hold a contest. What was it? We asked you to submit the most incredible photo you could come up with which included your Lee Bottom Calendar. Well, that's what it was supposed to be.
When the first round of photos came in, none of them included the calendar in the photo. Then I sent out a message to everyone to make sure they understood the rules. The post was also changed to include large red letters specifically covering the important criteria.
More photos came in and none had the calendar in them.
Once again I reworded the post and sent out notices. And yet, still more photos came in but none of them had the calendar in them. Getting to the point of comical, I had numerous people look at the post to see if I was just reading my own material and not seeing something that was confusing people. Each of them read it and described back to me exactly what the rules were. Hmmmm.
Thinking it through, I have come to believe there are a lot of people out there who have photos they want to share and that was the driving force behind their submissions. Therefore, we are going to have a new contest very soon that will involve you submitting your favorite photo of whatever it is. The winners will get something they can proudly display for all to see. Look for it soon.
Oh yeah, about that earlier contest, it was cremated and spread over Lee Bottom. If you contributed to it, don't feel bad. It was actually good for a great laugh. I have no idea what caused the problem but sometimes these things just can't be explained. If I were to guess though, I would say it involved common core.
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