Monday, December 2, 2013

Has The Time Come For New Aviation Representation? Survey #5

Survey #5 deals with aviation representation and again it is to the point.  Has aviation come to a crossroad that requires new representation?  We've already asked if you feel you're being well represented.  Now we're wondering if you think there is a need for a new group; perhaps one that would focus on representing the issues of aviation from the side of owners and pilots instead of corporations and manufacturers?  What do you think?


harvey Swack said...

Frankly, it is not enough to ask if representation of present aviation groups is doing the job of promoting aviation. I want to know what others think they should be doing and and what they should not be doing.
I have read and continue to read and support many ideas and I see our current crop of organizations are promoting. I think the time has come to participate individually in as many of these programs.

I like telling people I have been a Private Pilot since 1945 and love it! I also would offer to take a person for a flight, talk to non aviation groups and explain the personal benefits of becoming a pilot. I will go out of my way to help in any way because I believe that the skills one learns can improve your personal life immeasurably.

Rich Davidson said...

I agree Harvey. It's going to take bottom up to solve it.

Robert Szego said...

Rich: This battle was lost in the 1920s when the Feds, in cahoots with the short-sighted airlines decided to enslave aviation via the CAA and later the FAA. The idea that a government bureaucrat cares (and knows) more about aviation than the individuals who created the magic of flight is ludicrous. Actually, this is part and parcel of the rejection of the individualism of the Founding Fathers, and has since grown so all-encompassing that no one can quote the Constitution in defense of his well-written liberties. I am not hopeful...

In spite of the above, I continue to further the cause of aviation as best I can. You may not remember me, but I am the President of the Bellanca-Champion Club and Aeronca Aviators Club; I attend Sun 'n Fun and Oshkosh representing these types. I also support both AOPA and EAA with my dues (and some reservations),and Vintage Aircraft with free ads. I fly without regard to its high cost, give rides whenever possible, mentor young prospects as time permits and encourage all I meet to continue doing so while we still can. I finally made it to the Mecca (Blakesburg) last year and Lee Bottom is on my list as well.

I appreciate your words, thoughts and actions and regret that I haven't encouraged you before personally.

Robert Szego